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Powerful Business Intelligence

& Analysis Tool

A key element within CentralREZ (CRS) is a powerful reporting and analysis tool that enables your hotel to gain valuable insight about reservations and revenues generated from all the different distribution channels.

The fast, powerful and easy-to-use hotel reporting dashboard is fully customisable, enabling different users at your hotel to see what they need to, and in their own preferred format.  Reports provide General Managers, Revenue Managers, Operational Staff and Sales and Marketing teams with the critical information that they need to make informed decisions.

Make the Right Decisions

On-demand reports, using business data from various sources, available online and in real-time

Business intelligence that transforms your reservation data into tailor-made management information

Search, utilise and organise information beyond the traditional reporting processes

Make qualified decisions to manage your marketing, sales, yield and revenue

Helping Hotels to Succeed

HotelREZ Hotels & Resorts provides member hotels with proactive account management and a support culture that helps each hotel, regardless of size or ambition, achieve their objectives. We will work with your hotel, so you understand the business intelligence reports that we provide. Our account management and support teams are always on hand to offer revenue management or rate strategy advice, ensuring the success of your business.

Discover how HotelREZ Hotels & Resorts can grow your business.

We have the right tools, insights and experience to help independent hotels compete worldwide.